Interplay Entertainment Wiki
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Baldur's Gate III The Black Hound

Baldur's Gate III: The Black Hound. A much anticipated title, but it was canceled.

Interplay Entertainment

The King of RPG's

From humble beginnings, Interplay Productions was founded by Brian Fargo. The first projects were non-original and consisted of software conversions and even some military work for Loral Corporation, nothing special. Then they met Activision. Activision told Interplay to talk to her at her sister's wedding. This is where Activision gave Interplay a deal for $100 000, Interplay had to develop three text adventures. After delivering, Interplay became the Prince of RPG's, as Square went on a break that it could never return from. Interplay Productions then made Dragon Wars for Activision and two games for EA. After that Interplay moved from being the Prince of RPG's to the King of RPG's, Interplay began to self-publish its own games and publish others games. It even managed to publish games for Blizzard.

Interplay, going on a quest to the coast met the Wizards of the Coast. A strange group who gave Interplay a right, the right to create DnD Video Games. Interplay started off with Blood & Magic, the first D&D RTS Game. A long time later, Interplay would be betrayed by the Wizards who would strip the rights from them and give them to Atari.

Interplay would then go on to marry Activison, his previous boss. Activision and Interplay had been in a relationship during Interplay's days of developing video games for Activision, despite Activision being six years older than Interplay. During this time Interplay became known as Interplay Entertainment. The year of the wedding was 1985. Interplay had three children with Activision: Bluesky, Brainstorm and Shiny. Of these, only Shiny still lives. Shiny has since become known as The Double Helix, meaning they are The Best Game Developers. Shiny refuses to talk to Interplay but stays close to Activision, her apprentices and his half-brothers/half-sisters.

Then Interplay spawned a child from a disastorous affair with Titus Software, but the child, Black Isle Studios, was not at all bad. Activision filed for a divorce in late 1997, and after 13 years of being together, Interplay and Activision divorced in 1998. Activision was 40 at the time and Interplay was 34. Activision had taken a Youth Serum and stayed fourty for 7 years and then remarried to Blizzard (Interplay's partner) at the age of 43 and was 13 years older than Blizzard, who was 30 at the time. The two have had four kids together. Currently, Activision is 46 and Blizzard 33.

Titus knew that Black Isle was her child and cared closely for Black Isle, like Interplay, Titus also went depressed after Black Isle died and soon died herself. Black Isle Studios then went on to develop Fallout. To continue their D&D Fame, Black Isle Studios created Icewind Dale and Icewind Dale II, but Interplay had found their true D&D Developer, Black Ise was only to develop one more D&D game, because BioWare had stepped out of Interplay's shadow.

BioWare: The Duke of RPG's

Then Interplay met BioWare, BioWare was just a child, 17 years old, when Interplay found him, BioWare's father refused to let BioWare create video games. Interplay entered a deal with BioWare's father to train the young child. Interplay then trained BioWare and made BioWare the Duke of RPG's. Interplay made BioWare what it was by having it create D&D Games. After releasing Interplay's ever-popular Baldur's Gate, BioWare knew that Interplay would not survive his depression and left their shadow by gaining acclaim from thier commision for Atari : Neverwinter Nights. This resulted in a falling out between the two, they were never friends again. BioWare then entered the Land of Electronic Arts. BioWare, since, only remembers its Interplay Days and only hears of small news from Interplay, while the latter hears of BioWare's huge success in the Land of EA. Interplay always congratulates itself for BioWare's success.

Black Isle Studios had died from a rare disease. Then Interplay's other children died of the same disease. Interplay went into depression and gave Bethesda the right to develop every Fallout Game except an online one.

Then one of Interplay's grandchildren, Troika (one of Black Isle's two son's) died. This hurt Interplay too much. Interplay wandered in the wastes and died, giving Bethesda the rights to Fallout were their last actions. The same year Titus died, while Interplay never married Titus they still cared for eachother, this hurt Interplay too much. When Interplay died in the wastes a blueish-purplish-red glow happened around his corpse.

In 2007, the Double Helix Pantheon (followers of Interplay's only surviving son) built a temple around the corpse and preserved the glow and would give it to the first person to walk into their temple.

Return and Discovery

Where Interplay died, the wastes had glown extremely brightly and one traveller braved to go out to Interplay's Grave. This brave adventurer, only 23 years old, entered the grave which had become a temple dedicated to the memory of Interplay. Being the only person, other than the temple's priests, to enter the temple, the man was given the essence of Interplay, Interplay's Brilliant Mind and Sould. This man was renamed Interplay and set out to reclaim the throne set by his predecessor.

Interplay then got into a fight with Bethesda over the rights of Fallout Online, but then Interplay met Masthead, his new best friend. As Interplay fought with Bethesda, Masthead started work on Fallout Online. Interplay then discovered a new element in video gaming: Discovery. Using Discovery, Interplay began to publish games for Indie Groups and Developers alike. The King of RPG's had returned.

At the end of May in 2011, Interplay announced that they had the intentions of handling the console ports of Masthead's PC Fallout: Online. It was not officially announced but it was leaked through a developer application. Interplay then announced that they might not be able to make Fallout: Online due to the legal complications currently happening surrounding the game and their own financial woes. Interplay announced that they might have to cancel their games or else they would have to release them on the proper dates to get the best payment possible off of them.

In June 2011, Interplay revealed this to be false. Interplay revealed that instead of dying they were actually coming back to life.

Masthead Studios


Born in Bulgaria, Masthead Studios was a universal company. Masthead was an orphan and destined for greatness, deciding that because they were universal they would become MMOG developers. Masthead started work on Earthrise, their first MMOG. It was a MMORPG, it was was very anticipated and was to be released in February 2011. Earthrise is a MMO focusing with new ideas and its main focus PvP, it was revolutionary... in idea. Around this time, Masthead met Interplay. Masthead quickly became Interplay's best friend and urged Interplay to return from his six year gap. Interplay accepted and seeing how Masthead was making a MMORPG decided to ask Masthead if they could develop Fallout Online. Masthead accepted and got to work immediatly. Bethesda, an enemy in Masthead's development, constantly tried to interefere, eventually leading to Interplay fighting them in court. Masthead then released Earthrise and it had an average review score of 6/10, but it was not reviewed by IGN or Gamespot. While graphics were ultimately very good as well as gameplay, it was the major bugs, server connections and the open-world essence of the game that brought its downfall.

Fallout Online

Masthead Studios got to work fully on Fallout Online as soon as they were allowed, although it is likely that the development of Earthrise caused small delays, Interplay had released Armageddon Rag's. These were newsletters for Fallout Online. Currently it is unknown who from Masthead is working on Fallout Online, as members from Interplay are working on it as well. Since it's release in February 2011, Masthead has fixed many of the bugs and is fixing the server connections, Masthead is also improving the open-world essence, hoping that Earthrise Version 2.0 can get a higher review rate.

Around the end of May and beginning of June, Masthead released Earthrise Version 2.0. Earthrise 2.0 was said to have many more fixed features that can be found here The Earthrise was also digitally re-released with these features.

Double Helix Games

Shiny was Interplay and Activision's only surviving son. He lasted throughout the ages of torment that he was subjected to. After seeing Interplay could teach him no more on vidoe games, Shiny went to work with Atari. Shiny and Atari became good friends, but that was just about it. Shiny then left Atari and found a cube called The Collective. The Collective would allow Shiny to make great video games, and upon absorbing The Collective, Shiny became Double Helix Games.


Mr. Youtube, also known as Knight12ify, Knight, Schmeater, Cutlock and Paramvir Singh is the Caesar of this wiki. Also known as its leader.


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